"Bloomberg" : No One Prays for an iPhone, Says Drug Exec Slamming Trump Cuts

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as declared in Read more: Trump Would Slash Research in Cut to Health Budget"Do you pray for an iphone?" Yancopoulos said. Research CutsTrump Proposes Historic Budget Cuts to Fund DefenseThe cuts would reduce research funding to the same level as in 2000, when inflation is taken into account, according to the American Cancer Society's Cancer Action Network. Key Republican lawmakers have backed the NIH's research, making cuts of that magnitude unlikely. "We urge Congress to reject these steep budget cuts and, instead, continue their critical investment in life-saving, innovative research and cancer prevention," Chris Hansen, the group's president, said in a statement. Read more: Bloomberg View: Hey, Trump, U.S. Science Spending Pays Off Bigly"I'd much rather fight Ebola in West Africa than in West Dallas," he said.

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Trump is now tweeting from an iPhone, but will he give up on Android?

Trump is now tweeting from an iPhone, but will he give up on Android?
Does President Trump prefer iphone or android ? Trump used an iPhone early in his campaign, a time when he also criticized Apple (AAPL, Tech30) for making products overseas. Related: Senate Democrats want answers about Trump's phoneEarlier this month, the Android-marked tweets dried up for a while and more iPhone tweets appeared. Apple didn't back down, and Trump eventually appeared to stop tweeting from an iPhone. More restrained tweets, often promoting Trump events, would be posted from an iPhone, presumably by aides.

With new iPhone, Trump still a target for hackers

With new iPhone, Trump still a target for hackers
Explore further: Senators launch query on Trump's smartphone security Last month, Representative Ted Lieu of California called for an investigation, saying Trump's phone use may be "jeopardizing national security." White House social media chief Dan Scavino confirmed the smartphone shift this week, tweeting that Trump "has been using his new iphone for the past couple of weeks here on Twitter. At the time, it was not clear what type of handset Trump was using, but a New York Times report after the inauguration said he was using "his old, unsecured android phone." Nicholas Weaver, a researcher at the California-based International Computer Science Institute, said Trump's phone swap "massively reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the security risks."

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