"CNBC" : Australian regulator sues Apple alleging iPhone 'bricking'

collected by :Andro Alex

As it stated in Apple engaged in "misleading or deceptive conduct and made false or misleading representations to consumers" about its software updates and customers' rights to have their products repaired by the company, the commission said. The regulator said that between September 2014 and February 2016, Apple customers who downloaded software updates then connected their devices to their computers received a message saying the device "could not be restored and the device had stopped functioning". Customers then asked Apple to fix their devices, only to be told by the company that "no Apple entity ... was required to, or would, provide a remedy" for free, the documents added. The lawsuit was filed late on Wednesday, a week after the consumer watchdog granted Apple a win by denying Australia's banks the right to introduce a mobile payment system to rival its Apple Wallet. An Apple spokeswoman did not immediately respond to an email requesting comment.

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Apple iPhone 8 launch date may be delayed: All you need to know

Apple iPhone 8 launch date may be delayed: All you need to know
Apple's 10th anniversary iphone 8 or iPhone X (rumoured to be named X) may be launched later than September this year, analysts claim. Read moreThe research arm of Barclays also has similar predictions for the Apple iPhone 8. Speculations are rife that even if Apple showcases the phone in September, shipping will be delayed by several weeks. Apple is expected to launch the new iPhone 7S and iPhone 7S Plus along with traditional 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch and an all-new 5.8-inch variant of the iPhone 8 with an OLED display in its September event. Read more"Our contact strongly believes the 5.8-inch iPhone 8 will be delayed by several weeks due to challenges around the 3D sensing technology, but still in time for the December holidays.

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